Fay is highly experienced and qualified to discuss these important issues with you to determine how best you may proceed to resolve a financial dispute especially in circumstances where you do not fall within the principles set out in the Family Law Act. You may still bring an application for orders for financial orders in the Family Court or the Federal Magistrates Act in the following circumstances:

  • For a de facto relationships lasting less than 2 years you may still bring an application if there is a child of the relationship, or
  • You are caring for a child of your partner, or
  • You made substantial contributions to the acquisition or improvements to property and you would be disadvantaged if the court were not to make an order

In NSW if you do not qualify to bring the application under the Family Law Act you may still bring an application under the Property Relationships Act (NSW).

Contact Fay

Email or call on 0416 196 541.

Fay will respond to you personally within 24 hours to discuss your enquiry.