Should you wish to create a power of attorney document, Fay will ensure that you know:

  • You are appointing someone to make financial decisions on your behalf.
  • What the attorney’s functions will be and the sorts of decisions he or she will be able to make.
  • When the power of attorney takes effect.
  • That you can give instructions on how your attorney will exercise the power.
  • That you can appoint more than one attorney.
  • That an appointed enduring attorney will begin making decisions, or continue to make decisions, when you lack the required capacity.
  • That the attorney can make decisions about the requests/directions detailed in the power of attorney document.
  • That these requests/directions are binding decisions made on your behalf.
  • That you can cancel the power of attorney or change it in the future.
  • That, if the power is an enduring power of attorney, the attorney will continue to make decisions for you as long as you lack the capacity to do this for yourself.

Finally, Fay will ensure you understand that if it is an enduring power of attorney, you cannot revoke or change the appointment while you lack the capacity.

Contact Fay

Email or call on 0416 196 541.

Fay will respond to you personally within 24 hours to discuss your enquiry.