Joint Parliamentary Inquiry into Family Law and Child Support

The latest Family Law Section news from Paul Doolan, Chair

The Prime Minister, the Hon. Scott Morrison MP yesterday issued a Media Release announcing that the Government will undertake a Joint Parliamentary Committee of both the House and the Senate to conduct a wide-ranging inquiry into the family law system. The inquiry will have broad terms of reference and will be led by the Hon Kevin Andrews MP.

In response, the Shadow Attorney-General, Mark Dreyfus, issued a Media Release stating that Labor welcomed the Attorney-General’s decision to abandon his plans to effectively abolish the Family Court.

The Law Council of Australia President, Arthur Moses SC, yesterday welcomed the inquiry as an opportunity for a considered approach to any reforms necessary, rather than seeking to adopt through the Merger Bills what has been described as a “short term fix”.

The inquiry represents for the community a great opportunity for a holistic review of the family law system.

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