Take this situation: The husband’s father gives the husband and the wife $250,000 before they separated for the express purpose to assist them in the purchase of their matrimonial home The [...]
Parties may reach an agreement in financial matters and sign documents that are filed in court and orders made to reflect the arrangements. Alternatively the parties may sign a Financial [...]
On many occasions one or other partner in the marriage or the de facto relationship will receive an inheritance that is in some way applied to increase the asset base of the parties or paid to a [...]
The Family Law Rules contain the requirement as to full and frank disclosure of financial information that is necessary in property and maintenance proceedings. The parties involved in the case [...]
The Family Law Act requires that a court must consider a number of factors in determining whether or not a de facto relationship exists. These factors include the period of time for the [...]
Each day the Sydney Morning Herald publishes lists for all courts sitting on that day so that you can look up the location and time of the listing of your case. The information is restricted to [...]
How many times have we heard our clients insist on this prerequisite as their absolute right and entitlement? Sadly it is no longer the fundamental lynchpin for the future parenting regime that [...]
We are all horrified in hearing about domestic violence. Just look at the newspapers and listen on radio or TV. For example, what about the Victorian man who threw his child over the bridge on [...]