You may write up a document in a notebook and the issue will then be whether you intended your thoughts to be taken seriously as testamentary intentions. In the 2015 case of In the Estate of the [...]
How easy is it to just make a handwritten alteration to a will saying “Alteration to my will”, then date the will but not arrange for any witnessing of the alteration and then staple the [...]
In the 2016 case of Re Gardiner the executor named in the will was found to have been deficient in his handling of the estate as to the following issues: He had failed to realise the estate [...]
You may be surprised to learn that a will need not be a formal legal document written in specific language but may comprise one or even a series of documents that will express the testamentary [...]
It is far preferable for parties to resolve financial disputes involving property and financial support issues without seeking the intervention of the court processes in what will promise to [...]