Grandparents and parenting orders

Grandparents do not just act as unpaid volunteers to look grandchildren. It may be in the best interests of a child that significant or substantial time is spent with you as a grandparent not only in the role as a baby sitter but rather as an important and nurturing influence.

As a grandparent you may apply to the Family Law Courts for a parenting order to allow your grandchild to spend time with you. Parenting orders may include times during the week, weekends or throughout school holidays.

You may even seek orders so that your grandchild will live with you on a permanent or part time basis. The Court recognises that there are often instances where one or both parents are unable to care for a child through illness or disability and grandparents are able to provide a stable home.

Speak to Fay to discuss your concerns and how best you may spend time with your grandchild.


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