Did you know that a US court has ruled that it is permissible to serve divorce papers by Facebook rather than personally as this is the only address the wife had for the husband? The Family Law [...]
Fraud happens not just in the workplace or in commercial life but also during and following the end of a close relationship. Such incidents of fraud can occur when one party forges the signature [...]
It is important to work out with your financial advisers the effect on your taxation liabilities of a proposed court order. For example, a distribution from a private company as part of a family [...]
Where will my child live? With whom will my child spent time? The primary consideration for a court in parenting cases is to determine what will be in the best interests of your child. The [...]
As this will be your first step forward there are a number of documents that will be important to bring along to a first conference. Your lawyer will want to verify your identity so remember to [...]
There are many examples of one party winning the lottery in his or her sole name having purchased the ticket with or without the knowledge of the other party.
Before I entered into my marriage I had savings. I used all of these funds to purchase with my husband our first home. Will I retain the full value of this asset on separation? The assessment [...]
The Family Law Act refers to alteration of property interests in s79(4). The parties must work out the pool of assets whether in a marriage or a de facto relationship and then what orders they [...]
Take this situation: Parties separated Orders were made by the Family Court for an order altering property interests Parties reconsidered their circumstances and reconciled The reconciliation is [...]